Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sometimes time does stand still...

Saw two of my dearest friends last night at Trattorian in Stockholm. Lovely dinner with lovely friends, had so much fun catching up with my girls. I haven't seen Karin (left) in maybe 7 years and Emma (right) in 2 years. It was just the same, I love it when it's just the same. I love it when time doesn't matter. Cheers to good old friends!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Swedish Summer

Saturday in Stockholm. One of the first things I wanted to take my daughter to is Skansen.
Skansen is an open air museum with Nordic animals, historic buildings and a taste of how Sweden was back in the day. I absolutely love walking around up there, it reminds me of childhood. While I'm here I absolutely plan to indulge in Swedish food classics, first box to tick, herring for lunch! We had an amazing day, summer in Stockholm is special.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


We're finally here. I have not been back to Stockholm in 2 years, time flies!
My girl did phenomenal on the flight, except she threw up during the landing, got a little motion sickness.
Now I've been through the public puking in a restaurant and in an airplane with my child, equally disgusting, horrible and stressful to deal with. Happy to be on Swedish ground for a while.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fall Trend- The Smoking Slipper

I like this type of shoe. You always look dressed yet it's casual and comfortable. I have never been much of a "heel" girl on a day to day basis so I'm in luck this season. You will see them in all sorts of varieties and colors this fall. If you wanna be a little more crazy, try Stubbs and Wootton, you can find their slippers here.