Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fun in Photo Booth

Josephine and I having fun in photo booth. Everything went fine, we were laughing and making faces. All of a sudden I think she got a little scared wondering why we looked so horrible and she started to while it lasted.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gifts for him

My husbands birthday is coming up. Every year it's the same scenario, what to buy?
Here are a few ideas I have in mind, what will it be...surprise surprise!

1. Smythson iPad cover
2. BOSE noise cancelling and wireless headphones
3. Mulberry Elkington briefcase
4. Logitech Keyboard case iPad

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Austin Rodeo

On Saturday we went to the Austin Rodeo for the first time...and maybe my last was cute though.
They had all sorts of fun things for kids. Unfortunately my camera died shortly after we arrived.
We did manage to film Josie's first pony ride!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Greenling - Eat Smart

We like to order organic fruits and vegetables from Greenling in this family.
I just got two full boxes delivered to our door, so convenient.

Local food. Organic food. Home delivered. That is Greenling.
I'm not a tree hugger but you should support your local farmers.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Easter Flower Arrangement

Make these flower arrangements for your Easter dinner table.

Hollowed-out eggshells make naturally beautiful vases for tiny flower arrangements. Break an egg at the top of its shell, drain the contents, and carefully rinse out the inside. Next, fill the empty shell with room-temperature water and place it in an eggcup for stability. Finally, insert small cuttings of your favorite blossoms (we used lilacs, lily of the valley, and violas). Individually or grouped together in a centerpiece, these tiny arrangements make a wonderful addition to the place settings at your table.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Full on authentic Mexican dinner with Cucumber Lime Martinis followed by late night at Cedar Street.
We joined the fun and caught the end of SXSW by watching a cool band call J Roddy Waltson and the Business.
SXSW is a music event that goes on for 10 days downtown Austin with over 2000 bands playing.
They don't call Austin the Music Capitol of the world for nothing.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Voluspa - Maison Blanc Collection

The best ambiance element in a house wether it's an open fire or lots of candles.
This amazing collection from Voluspa smells like paradise.

Friday, March 16, 2012


While we're on the flower subject. This flower hair piece is Josephine's new favorite thing. She gets extremely upset if I take it away from her, she even sleeps with it. She saw it when we walked down the cosmetic aisle at our local food store and it has not left her head since. She barely allowed me to cut off the price tag. At least it's not a whole outfit. Quite hilarious when you see a little boy or a girl running around in a spiderman outfit or a princess tutu on a casual Monday morning...same dilemma. Kids.

Spring Flowers

Feng Shui with colorful spring flowers. The Feng Shui use of the flower symbol is based on the same universal feeling that flowers evoke in all humans - a feeling of beauty, grace, and delicate, alive sensuality. Alive flowers are sure the best choice for your home, as they bring a strong healing energy.

Tulips, Hyacinth and Peonies are a few of the popular spring flowers.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sacred Secret

No one ever saw my real wedding dress. The first one. This is THE dress. My dream dress. I promised myself I wouldn't look at these pictures again, but today I found them in an old wedding folder. Makes me a little sentimental. To make a long story short. I found out I was pregnant four months before our wedding and had to change dress. I wasn't by any means big at our wedding, being my first pregnancy and all. I just wasn't comfortable wearing a snug waist dress at that time. My compromise became a classic empire cut dress, totally cute but not my dream dress. After we were married in Monaco I came back to the US and my dream dress had been delivered months ago to my friends house. I didn't even open the package, I immediately sold it.

Beautiful, right?

Storage for kids...and adults?

I just bought a few of these round woven storage baskets for Josie's room. They're great for toys, books, and even diapers if you like. They come in pink, blue and beige. So cute I could use them in other places in the house. Comes in small and large $59-$79 at Pottery Barn Kids.

Design Combo 3

Create that cozy spot for your kids where reading becomes a little sanctuary. Their own little adventure.

a. Restoration Hardware Baby & Child Canvas play tent $229
b. Restoration Hardware Luxe faux fur bean bag $149-$199
c. Restoration Hardware Ruffle Nightlight $19
d. Restoration Hardware Luxe faux fur bag $159
e. Pottery Barn Kids Bookrack $129
f. Restoration Hardware Decorative Bunny pillow $59

Sunday, March 11, 2012

In love at the Austin Zoo

Josephine hung out with her friends Cole and Holt at the zoo today. Who will she choose?
The cool blond guy with sunglasses or the little handsome dark haired guy?
Check out all the hand holding :) To be continued...

While all that was going down, all parents were secretly dreaming about cold beers and Margaritas as summer showed up out of nowhere, so hot today, already reminds me of how brutal this summer (most likely) will be.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Good Morning

Saturday breakfast, American pancakes! Yum, such a treat. I'm all about healthy options, especially since my daughter was born. Instead of the traditional wheat pancakes that has no nutritional value, try Kodiak Cakes, you can fin them here. You can also find them at Centralmarket.

Add some Swedish vanilla sugar (you can find this tasty product at IKEA) some berries of your choice and a little syrup. Happy Saturday!

Friday, March 9, 2012


A little wisdom form Oscar Wilde this afternoon. Hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday!
Have a great weekend!

Texas Film Hall of Fame Awards 2012

Last night's report.

A few days ago my husband asked if I wanted to attend the Texas Film Hall of Fame Awards with him.
I hesitated a little and he added -I think Matthew McConaughey will be there.
Silence...trying to act cool...and then -yea sure, awesome, let's go. He set me up on that one :)

I love date night with my babe and it was fun to see Mr. I-never-wear-a-shirt in real life.
Matthew announced he's moved back to Austin from California with his family a few months ago and that his fiancé,
Camilla Alves is soon to be Mrs. McConaughey. For those of you who don't know, this man is born and raised in Texas and he's got a real southern drawl! I'll yeeeeha to that! Sexy.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lilou et Loic

A friend of mine created these fantastic products, the brand is called Lilou et Loic.
Fantastic candles, a luxurious bathroom collection and more... Not only are their products decorative, they will make your house smell fantastic. You can find the products it here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Design Combo 2


Rachel Ashwell knows Shabby Chic. I really like this look. Extremely romantic. If we buy a house on the French Riviera again I will turn to Rachel for my inspiration. Think lots of pastels, distressed woods, flowers, candles and throw pillows, voila c'est shabby chic!

You will find Shabby Chic products here. Rachel also designed a Shabby Chic line for Target in the US. The price point is way better if you're on a lower budget, find it here.

a. Carmine cabinet $2,600
b. Chablis linen dec pillow $180
c. Mercury glass candle holders from Horchow Collection $195-$225
d. Moroccan leather ottoman $2,875
e. Lila chaise lounge $895
f. Silver foil baskets $35-$60

Monday, March 5, 2012

Bitter Sweet

Feels bitter sweet to go but there is a time for everything.
Bye bye Monte Carlo, until next time!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Baby Bonanza!

Yesterday we took Josie to the park and all her Monaco buddies came out to play! It is so much fun to see these little kids grow up. When we left Monaco in June 2010 they were barley born, so much have the better!

Thank you dear friends

Friday night we celebrated my birthday at Buddah Bar in Monaco. Fantastic atmosphere!
Big kisses to all my friends who came out and made my day special. Lots of love

Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Birthday

The year was 1983...time flies! Can't believe I was once that little. My last year in my twenties.
Looking forward to celebrate with my friends tonight, WOO HOO!
Happy Birthday to me :)

Interior Details


Mafioso looking lamps by Philippe Starck. These lamps would be fantastic in a contemporary bachelor pad. Fun touch without being vulgar. Use only one or two. Chromed or gold finish. You can find them here.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wonderful Wonderfall

There is a little hidden treasure called Wonderfall in Limone, Italy. It belongs to my in laws. Once you step inside you immediately feel zen. This is were I've spent my last three days. Not so good skiing, as you can see it is melting away fast! But with great weather and the company of good friends we never fail to have fun. Feeling lucky! Check it out here.