Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Design Combo

A true room for a little princess. These furniture pieces comes from Art For Kids. Soft tones of beige, golds and pinks. Unfortunately I can't tell you the prices as they keep it a secret. Visit their website here.

a. Circus pastel art - duck
b. Regal bed
c. Trumeau mirror
d. Juliette table and chair set
e. Vivienne Bombe chest
f.  Vintage table lamp

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lazy Days

Catching up after months apart, lunch at Chateau Eza with my two favorite girls.
What can I say, life is good and I'm so lucky to have these lovely ladies in my life.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Josephine loves it too!

They have a wonderful carousel in Antibes that I used to love as a kid. My parents sometimes had to take other ways around it as I would only leave kicking and screaming wanting to ride it more. Afterwards we passed a window with a carousel horse, Josephine stopped, pointed and said -horse, horse! In that moment it was kind of nice she didn't know how to speak properly, as I'm sure I would have ended up in a conversation about why we couldn't buy it...

A little nostalgic being their with my own daughter today.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's time to go!

Happy to travel today, so excited to finally get to see my family and friends.
See you on the other side of the pond!

Today's Inspiration

Kelly Hoppen knows what I like. She is one of my favorite interior designers. Neutral colors, contemporary and a hint of masculine. Find you inspiration at:

And for those of you who live in Austin TX can now find Kelly Hoppen interiors at Four Hands 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unusual Beds

1. HiCan bed with features like blinds, sound system, TV, reading lights, a built in PC and full multimedia complement with game and entertainment console. I don't know that you would ever leave the bed?!
2. Temperature-controlled waterbed. Sound vibration from the subwoofer resonates through your body and sends it to a blissful state. The all white domed space is your own personal sky. It becomes a canvas for a fusion of colored light. Supposedly the light will help you wake up easier.
3. Florida Zip Bed, I guess for those of you who don't like to make your bed in the morning. Just zip and go!
4. I prefer to sleep in a horizontal position, I don't know about you? If you feel like trying something unique, go for Ernesto Netos stand up bed.

Toast Tattoos

I love toast in the morning, I just don't always allow myself to have them...
These toasters are kind of silly but cute at the same time. Fun for kids!
You can find them at, and

Sunday, February 19, 2012


After two days of non-stop rain the sun is finally back, beautiful morning in Austin.
Babe is playing golf and Josephine is moosing around in my packing mess.
So excited to go back home to Europe for a visit :) Hope everyone is having a relaxed Sunday. xoxo

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Anything for L-O-V-E

Making a delicious Valentines dinner for two. My love and I thought a tête-à-tête à la maison would be nice this evening. In my effort to make dessert; next time I will actually hold the bowl while whisking the whipped cream. 'Someone' is teaching my about patience this week...hmmm...

Happy Valentines Day

Monday, February 13, 2012

Terrible twos!

Today is one of those days when Josephine might have lost her chance of getting a sibling.
Josephine has decided she no longer needs a mid-day nap. Isn't it funny how a two year old can push you to tears?! I cried, sometimes it's just too much. When you're still in your Pj at three in the afternoon, with unbrushed hair and nothing has been done except trying to reason with a two year old...extremely frustrating! Anyways, we're friends again, it's hard to hold a grudge against this little girl.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Brief Moment of Silence

The house is clean, all bags are unpacked from our ski trip and my daughter is sleeping.
A cup of coffee and another try to finish my daughters memory book from her first two years.
This Friday afternoon I have a long and uneventful 'to do' list to execute before a well deserved glass of vino.
Happy Friday everyone!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cool Coasters

I just bought these cool glass coasters from Takkoda. Animals dressed as famous individuals,
a great gift for dinner party's or just a cool addition to your coffee table.

From top left: Blues Brothers, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn
Bottom left: Dolly Parton, Karl Lagerfeld and Mother Theresa
...and many more to choose from.

Short and Sweet

Bye bye Aspen...until next time!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Aspen Chic

Glitz, glam and fur...they call it Aspen Chic(!) 
The fashion in Aspen is on a different level. The more bling the better. 
Key item for this town, a fur coat.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love Snow Days

A day like this will definitely get me in shape after last nights late dancing at the Caribou Club